Our Dedicated Team
Our team has great appreciation for period homes. We feel today’s houses have lost the welcoming architectural charm, the quality of workmanship, and the attention to detail that many vintage homes had. You can visit any small town in America and still see classic homes that have endured the test of time.
Blueprints Revisited is dedicated to bringing back the home styles of ‘Days Gone By’ and renovating house plans to fit today’s life styles. We value the unique architectural details from each era and believe that a well-built home will last forever.
Mary J. Lappan
Design Originator
Owner of Blueprints Revisited, Inc., Beulah, Michigan. Specializing in home design, remodeling, renovation, cabinet design, interior layout and detail designs.
Mary’s 38 years’ of experience includes Interior Design and Fine Arts degrees, apprenticeship under talented architects, professional organizer, proficiency in CAD, licensed builder, and 15 years as an independent business owner designing homes for clients nationwide. Combining all of these abilities her work reflects an organized artistic approach to transitioning a home into the 21st century. Intense research and finding just the right feature’s for individual homes makes each finished project unique. Mary is adept at working on a wide variety of projects in all price ranges.